Silver Lake Association of Madison NH

Our Mission

The mission of the Silver Lake Association of Madison is to:

What we do

Aquatic Invasive Species (AIS) Prevention

Our Aquatic Invasive Species (AIS) Prevention program includes the Lake Host Program to inspect and power wash boats and trailers before they enter the Lake, and the Weed Watchers to monitor for invasive species.

Water Quality Monitoring

This program was designed to quickly identify water quality changes and problems through regular measurement and testing.


SLAM organizes a network of advocates who support lake friendly policies with the NH State Legislature.

Aquatic Invasive Species (AIS) Remediation

In the event that we experience an AIS infestation such as milfoil, SLAM has established remediation plans and partnerships and we’ve started a fund to help pay the costs.


Watershed Planning

SLAM is embarking on a multi-year process to develop a Watershed Management Plan (WMP) that will include expert analysis of our Silver Lake watershed and details plans and projects for protecting it for the long term.

Please don’t feed the birds

The geese that visit Silver Lake produce a prodigous amount of feces which pollutes our water and makes it unhealthy to swim in. Further, the geese “adopt” our lake and breed, becoming an increasing problem each season.  Ducks and, especially, ducklings are very entertaining creatures. Unfortunately, they carry a parasite which causes a condition called “swimmer’s itch”. Swimmer’s itch causes a very unpleasant itching/burning sensation. Feeding the ducks encourages them to linger on Silver Lake and increases our exposure to the parasite.


It is against the local laws to feed either bird!

Please be aware of the loons

When boating on the lake please be aware of the loon nesting buoy at the head of the lake and give them plenty of space.  For more information please visit