Lake News

Tips for Lake-Friendly Snow Removal from the NH LAKES organization

Our Partner NH LAKES has a great article that gives you tips on how to protect our lake when “digging out” after a snowstorm. You can read the article here.

Watershed Management Planning

What’s in your drinking water?  We are a town of wells and septic tanks – no filtering and chlorination facilities.  Are we staying healthy?  Learn more here

Numbers tell the story!

Silver Lake’s Lake Host Program began 20+ years ago.  What do the numbers show?  A short historical recap can be found here

2024 Annual Appeal to supplement dues & donations

WHAT: While much of our work is done through volunteerism, some activities simply require dollars: our Lake Host program (boat-washing) is $25K/yr, our water monitoring program with UNH is $1,500/yr, and operating expenses vary (i.e., this year a new pump) to name just a few. Additionally, we continue to try to build our Invasive Removal Fund account “in case something happens.” Every dollar is precious to us. We want to keep our lake clean of cyanobacteria and invasive plants & animals so we are all able to swim, boat, fish, & enjoy a healthy lake.

HOW: you can donate here.

THANK YOU for your gift. It is appreciated!

Winter Water Level

The dam has been opened to return the water level to “Winter Low”. This State requirement allows shore owners on all lakes to refurbish any shorelines from any erosion so as to help prevent excessive rainwater run-off. Excessive run-off can contain phosphorus and other unwanted contaminants.

Silver Lake Boating Club Thanks!

SLAM would like to gratefully thank the Silver Lake Boating Club for their generous donation of $2000

to assist us in keeping our beautiful and pristine lake safe and clean and support our lake host program

Boat launch stickers

For those of you who need to obtain boat launch stickers and have trouble getting to the town hall during their open hours

here is the link you can use that will explain how to obtain them without the need to go to the town hall

NH Lakes award

Dear Lake Host Team,

Congratulations! I am pleased to inform you that NH LAKES has approved the Silver Lake Association of Madison to receive a payroll award for participating in our 2024 Lake Host Program for aquatic invasive species education and prevention! 

Your payroll award is $2850 to place Lake Host Inspectors at 1 ramp(s).

Dam Update

The members of our community approved $30K in the annual budget to establish a Silver Lake Dam Improvement Expendable Trust Fund for the purposes of “engineering, design, review, repairs, and improvements” to our dam. Also approved was $8K for the “repair or replacement” of the pedestrian bridge over the Silver Lake dam. We appreciate the priority our community has placed on maintaining this all-important asset.

A Critical Save for Our Lake

We are grateful to Lake Host Ryan Pacheco who saved Silver Lake from a possible infestation of milfoil when he found it on an incoming boat last summer. This underscores the importance of SLAM’s Lake Host program in protecting our lake from invasive species which are highly costly to both enjoyment and property values.