2 New Loon Nests

We now have 2 loon nests on Silver Lake for the first time in 6 years.  One is in the Big Island Cove, and the more newly constructed one is in the inlet to Cook’s Pond.  Unlike the Big Island nest, which is well protected, 

the Cook inlet nest is out in the open, very low to the water, and quite exposed to avian/mammalian predation and human disturbance. The nest is on the right side of the inlet just past the little brook that goes to the (unnamed?) pond with the small beaver dam.The east cove loons have not nested for 6 years, when their 1 day old chick was killed by an intruding loon on July 4, 2018. In the past the Loon Preservation Committee has roped off the entire inlet to protect the nest, but this year we are hoping to adequately protect the nest by just floating signs near it and asking people to stay as far away as possible (meaning staying on the left (north) side when going down the inlet.  No large or motorized boats please. If the loon on the nest vocalizes or gets off the nest, paddlers should move away quickly. If the loon flushes from the nest (rapidly swimming off), I’d like to be notified to make sure that the eggs are not abandoned.  There are 2 eggs on the nest: ( macbanshee@gmail.com )

Thanks for your help in protecting our loons.

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